Array :

1. Char[] vowel=new Char[];
2. Array is in the System namespace
3. The capacity of an Array is fixed
4. An Array is a collection of similar items
5. An Array can have multiple dimensions
6. once you delete the item in array it kept that one as empty like a[2]=""

Array List :

1. ArrayList a_list=new ArrayList();
2. ArrayList is in the System.Collections namespace.
3. ArrayList can increase and decrease size dynamically
4. ArrayList can hold item of different types
5. ArrayList always has exactly one dimension
6. once you delete the item in arraylist a[3]index occupies the position of a[2] and also if you try to insert a[2] value array will throw error if any items reside inside but in case of arraylist a[2] is inserted in same position but at the same time position of a[2] become a[3] if there is already an item exists

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